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Company Profile
Company Profile

Ocean Kingdom offers its outstanding consultancy expertise in a range of sectors, such as Education, Property Development, Asset Management, Investment and Finance. We invest, manage, and operate projects that raise the bar globally and address the most important human needs. With the help of its multi-talented leadership, staff, and partners, we make world-class consultancy services accessible and to create unique world class opportunities. Ocean Kingdom is a truly global operation with offices in Shanghai, Hong Kong, Kuala Lumpur, Hokkaido and London.

In the realm of education, our team can plan, initiate and develop startup feasibility studies, curriculum and staffing plans, business projections and project management support. Our team has a lifetime of experience as educators and consultants, leading and advising some of the world’s best schools. We specialise in services to startup, new and emerging international schools, we focus on planning for sustainable growth. We take the time to conduct a robust initial feasibility study which saves time and money, whether or not a project is regarded as viable. If the project is a good fit, we will drill down to establish estimated costs, which allows project sponsors to proceed advisedly. We have the experience to steering a project safely through its implementation phase, within budget and on schedule delivery in the next phase. We will coordinate the input of all key players and guide the writing of effective curriculum, budget and staffing plans.